"Long journey"

Aslkm. Wr. Wb.

Hey, hey, hey diary!! How are you honey? Hope all’ll be fine J I just passed my days in UUM a week ago. I’m very happy there, cz mostly Palembang people were there. I spoke Palembang language of course, hehe. It looked like my own city in Palembang that actually in Sintok, Kedah.

Huhu. Then, today I’m in Nazliah’s house. She invited me to come to her house, what can I do, if she has invited me, so I just come here!! J Her family was so kind, alhamdulillah.. On July 6th, 2010 I should back to the beach, UMT, hehe. The ticket has been bought by Naz. So just waiting for my trip to Hostel J Hope all’ll be fine dear!! Amin…

Wass. Wr. Wb.

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